Thursday, May 21, 2009

The M.E.T.A Knight Is COMING!

I Move with My own Mind
I am an agent of Musical Meta-Morphing
I follow no trends, I Make no trends
I am controlled by Mentality
I control My Morality
Mentally Moving Music past the boundaries of false reality



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

All About Gettin That Cash?? (HELLS NO!!!!)

What up ya'll!!! Ok so I did this little unknown artist showcase thing about a week ago and the DJ said something that is not only a cliche in hip hop but an ignorant cliche about all artist in general, he said, and I quote, "It's all about the money, don't fool yourself that's why you rappin". Now how do you feel about that? Think to yourself for a second and let me explain why that is complete and utter bullshit to a real artist (NOTE I SAID REAL ARTIST NOT MORONS!). Being an entertainer is quite possibly the most difficult occupation in the world, it's hard to make money at all majority of the time and the people you see making money have been at it for quite some time in most cases though there are some exceptions and lucky fools (the Soulja Boys of the world come to mind when I say that). A Lot of aspring artist die broke, A LOT and it happens all the time, we only see the few success stories but there are and will always be millions that will never make it, even the wack dudes (the Lil Waynes and T.I.s of the world come to mind) have to work at least a little or at least pay someone to do that work for them. I'll be honest with ya'll, I haven't made a dime since I started pursing my dream despite hard work, and if I didn't love this art form and if I didn't want to live my life being creative and rocking stages and mics galore then I would have just stayed in school, got a degree and became a doctor or something, because trust me they make more than a lot of these entertainers and their lives are much easier (though being a doctor is difficult in it's own way). You want fast money, get a job and be a workhorse, you'll be manager in no time (trust, I've done it) but don't pursue a career in an artform if you have no passion for it, this is how we get to where music is now, with wack dudes ruling the art (disagree if you wish, that's my opinion). Yeah I'd love to make money doing this but only because I want to live my life spreading the message in my music, being creative all day, everyday, money is the last thing on my plate when it comes to my music and it always will be, so to all you dumb ass I ONLY WANT THE MONEY DUDES AND GIRLS, PLEASE GO BE A WALL STREET PERSON OR KILL YOURSELVES! Thank you very much.

The M.E.T.A Knight Coming LATE THIS MONTH

Love Ya'll, Love Art
Peace and Remember, For Those With Wings Fly To Your Dreams

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Walk Away

What's Up! So this is the first of my blog posts and I'm gonna use it to let ya'll know about my single "Walk Away". The song was created after I received an email from my friend Jamal Clay (Producer Of The Track), who sent me the beat but it was too short so I chopped it up and looped it to create a four minute track. I had just gotten over an evil ex girl and the track felt like something where I could cover a topic of this kind so I logged it into my brain for the rest of the day, while I was at work at whole foods the first two lines of the first verse came to me and the rest of the song fell in place. The song begins as focusing on that aspect and then broadens it's topic range to the relations between men and women over all, I mean, think about it, every song out today is about what you'll buy a girl and with the diva songs and all that mess going on I decided to address all that in this track, contrary to popular belief, IT IS TRICKING WHETHER YOU GOT IT OR NOT! So stop the BS! So heres "Walk Away" from my upcoming album "The M.E.T.A Knight" coming next month, enjoy, til another day peace.

Youtube Me!

Oh and remember, For Those With Wings, Fly To Your Dreams..............